Six Tips to Focus this September!

Time to FOCUS

Hello September!! What a great time of year to get back in the swing of things and re-establish your focus that may or may not have been a little lost throughout the wild and crazy shenanigans of summer. I know, I know, we miss summer too! But it will be back and each season has its beauty…there is something exciting about getting back-to-work or school and seeing what your made of! So let’s be positive and embrace the endless possibilities that can unfold in September with just a little more focus.


Here are 6 tips to help you FOCUS…

  1. Start each morning with a meditation to clear your mind and create a clean slate for the day.

    A clear mind is a peaceful mind, and a peaceful mind allows you to navigate through your day with the ability to make good decisions and access your intuition.

  2. Take a break from your busy day to reconnect with your breath and stretch your body.

    By simply getting up out of your chair and stretching with your breath you will move qi (chi) and blood in your body instead of letting it become stagnate and cause mental and physical blockages.

  3. Get outside and get fresh air.

    Fresh air is VERY helpful in finding clarity in your day. While your out there be sure to take a few slow, deep breaths to oxygenate all the tiny cells of your lungs.

  4. Establish a gadget free zone in your house.

    Find a place in your home that you can escape to without the constant sound of notifications on your cell phone, computer, ipad, etc and allow yourself to be present without distraction. Even doing this for a few short minutes will help your mind settle and make room for clearer thought and focus when you return to your gadgets.

  5. Create to do lists. 1 for work and 1 for personal.

    To do lists are very important for organizing your thoughts and obligations. Writing down what you need to do takes the burden of remembering and opens up free mental space. Organization is key when navigating competing priorities. Having separate lists for work and personal allows you to visualize what you need to accomplish in both sectors of your life so you are better able to set aside time to accomplish top priorities of both. Ah! Doesn’t if feel good to cross things off your lists. That feeling and forward motion, actually allows you to focus on bigger goals, because all of your to-do list items are covered.

  6. Use a spritz of grapefruit, bergamot, lavender, rosemary or lemon essential oil mist.

    This will help awaken your senses and uplift your spirit so you can have more clarity throughout day.


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